August 25

The Fourth Agricultural Revolution


With Ian Scutt

Agriculture globally has entered into the 4th Agricultural Revolution – the ‘Digital Revolution’.

Driven by consumer desire and rapid, more cost-effective technology development, our industry is witnessing increased digitisation of farming practices, increased food traceability and transparency.

In the next decade we will witness the benefits of artificial intelligence, automation and robotics which will drive further efficiencies and provide opportunity for those businesses prepared to adapt to a new operating environment.

Research suggests that over 50% of farmers are either early adopters or innovators and it is these businesses that will drive breakthroughs using digital technology in areas such as precision-controlled agriculture. Retailers will need to pivot with this change and agronomists will become more digitally enabled.

Decision support tools will allow for faster more accurate recommendations ultimately resulting in increased productivity in a sustainable manner.

The purpose of AgLink Australia (of which Pursehouse Rural is a member) is to connect and scale independent agricultural businesses serving farmers. A key priority of the organisation is to identify technology that is ‘fit for purpose’ in agriculture allowing our members and their clients to adopt and prosper from agtech innovations.


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