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Why you should choose Pursehouse Rural Agronomy services

Pursehouse Rural understands that every rural business is unique and has individual requirements. Our Crop Advisory Program is a proactive crop and pasture management service focused on increasing the performance of your rural enterprise.

Our long term thinking leads to successful agronomy partnerships that endure for many years, often decades, and in some cases across generational changes as farms pass to new owners. 

Offering more than just advice

Offering more than just input advice, the Pursehouse Rural Agronomy team are focussed on increasing profitability. With a core focus on building strong, long-standing relationships with our grower customers, who we work closely with throughout each season.

 With Pursehouse Rural, great agronomic advice starts with the relationship. This includes regular conversations and farm visits to ensure that appropriate management practices and technologies are included in each seasons cropping or pasture program. This professional contact forms the basis for sound agronomic decisions year after year, with timely application of required fertilisers and agricultural chemical products with a view to maximising profit.

With a variety of agronomy programs to suit your needs

Pursehouse Rural offers a variety of agronomy programs to suit the needs of our grower customers. From comprehensive broadacre crop management to pasture consultancy, dryland and irrigated cotton production and everything in between.  If you're interested in maximising the profitability and sustainability of your cropping or pasture operation with a tailored agronomy package, contact a Pursehouse Rural Agronomist for an obligation free conversation today.

Pursehouse Rural male graduate agronomist in winter paddock in front of soil testing equipment

Professionals who specialise in soil management and crop production

Our Pursehouse Rural agronomists are professionals who specialise in maximising  profit for our grower customers through the application of pragmatic and professional soil management and crop production strategies. 

Here are some of the benefits of using a Pursehouse Rural agronomist on your farm:

Improved Profitability: Our Agronomists have extensive knowledge of soil science, plant nutrition, and other factors that can impact crop profitability. By working with an agronomist, you can develop a customised plan for your farm that takes into account your specific soil conditions, crop choices, and other factors, which can help improve your overall profit.

Increased efficiency:  Our agronomists can help you identify areas where you can be more efficient in your farming operations. This might include things like optimising irrigation systems, identifying the most appropriate fertilisers and pest control methods, or developing more effective planting and harvesting strategies.

Cost savings: By working with our agronomists, you can potentially save money on things like fertilisers, pesticides, and other inputs by using the most appropriate and cost-effective products for your farm.

Improved sustainability:  Our agronomists can help you implement practices that are more sustainable for your farm.

Expertise: Pursehouse Rural Agronomists have a deep understanding of soil science, plant nutrition, and other factors that can impact crop production. By working with an agronomist, you can tap into their expertise and knowledge to make informed decisions about your farm.

Agronomy Field Trials

Through regular contact with growers, issues affecting crop and pasture production are brought directly to the attention of our agronomists. Localised agronomy field trial programs are carried out for both the summer and winter cropping and pasture growing seasons enabling the agronomy team to gather valuable information to support the advice they provide to customers.

Pursehouse Rural also works closely with a number of seed companies to set-up trials, and then monitor and evaluate new varieties or products before they become commercially available. This gives Pursehouse Rural Agronomists and their clients early insight into the most optimal choices for the upcoming growing season.

Premium Agronomy Services

In addition to the benefits provided in the Pursehouse Rural standard agronomy package, the Premium Agronomy Service is comprehensive and includes weekly farm visits and frequent consultations with the experienced nominated agronomist. The Service is inclusive of soil and tissue sampling prior to every crop for targeted nutrition programs.

The team provides full farm mapping, accurate budgeting with gross margins and records maintained continuously throughout the season with Agworld, the company’s data recording program. Pest inspections, yield recording and disease monitoring and more management tools are all included in a single base consultancy fee.

Contact your local Pursehouse Rural Agronomist today for information on an agronomy package tailored to your requirements.

Pursehouse Rural Graduate Agronomist beside Pursehouse Rural vehicle

Precision Ag

Pursehouse Rural Agronomists have access to leading PA software packages and resources. We can cater to all of your PA needs including the following:

  • Yield Mapping
  • Soil Surveys
  • VR applications
  • Satellite imagery
  • Land forming and drainage
  • in-depth analysis across a wide range of farming inputs and management decisions

Soil Moisture Monitoring and Remote Sensing

Soil Moisture monitoring and remote sensing can help to make management of your enterprise more efficient and productive. Through our partnership with Porosity Agricultural Services we offer a wide range of products:

  • Yield Mapping
  • Soil Surveys
  • VR applications
  • Satellite imagery
  • Land forming and drainage
  • in-depth analysis across a wide range of farming inputs and management decisions

Soil & Nutrient Management

The nutritional status of plants has a dramatic effect on its resistance to disease and insects and directly impacts both yield  and profitability. For a crop to maximise yield potential, adequate levels of nutrients must be supplied to the plant via soil reserve or applied fertiliser. Pursehouse Rural agronomy offers a range of services which sample soil and tissue on a more intense scale.

Pursehouse Rural Agronomists have the ability to split fields into subsections, which allows variation in soil and crop nutrition status to be determined more accurately. This allows for nutritional inputs to be applied more accurately.

Our experienced and progressive agronomy team provides expert nutritional advice aimed at maximising crop performance. Agronomy services that are available include grid or zone sampling, DNA disease identification, plant tissue testing and grain analysis. Pursehouse Rural is also a large supplier of fertilisers, making the implementation of nutrient management plans easy and efficient. 

Accurate sampling matched to targeted inputs

Pursehouse Rural Agronomists have the ability to split fields into subsections, which allows variation in soil and crop nutrition status to be determined more accurately. This allows for nutritional inputs to be applied more accurately.

Our experienced and progressive agronomy team provides expert nutritional advice aimed at maximising crop performance. Agronomy services that are available include grid or zone sampling, DNA disease identification, plant tissue testing and grain analysis. Pursehouse Rural is also a large supplier of fertilisers, making the implementation of nutrient management plans easy and efficient. 

Increase profits, decrease costs, grow sustainably

By understanding the nutrient content and pH levels of your soil, you can make the most informed decisions about what types of crops to plant and which fertilisers and inputs to use. This can help to optimise crop performance and maximise profits.

Soil sample testing can also help to identify and address any potential soil health issues, such as nutrient imbalances or soil compaction. By addressing these issues, you can improve the overall health and fertility of soil, which again, can lead to better crop profitability.

In addition to these benefits, soil sample testing can also help to minimise the use of fertilisers and other chemicals, which can be expensive and can have negative environmental impacts if used excessively. By using soil sample testing to more precisely target their fertilisation and lime application, you can reduce input costs, increase profit and help to protect the environment.

Agronomy Exchange

There is an established overseas agronomist exchange program where companies can send their employees to Australia and Pursehouse Rural can send their agronomists on reciprocal visits. There is a benefit to all parties in information exchange to the agronomist and the Pursehouse Rural farmer customers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pursehouse Rural for an unforgettable trip to Australia. It was a great experience! The time spent looking at their operations with growers and agronomists were most interesting and enjoyable. Pursehouse provided me with useful knowledge from Australian agriculture; I am taking a lot back to America” – Danny Hensley, Fertizona Arizona USA