April 28

Get A Better ROI With Waratah Fencing Solutions!


Waratah has a long history with Australian producers that dates back to 1884. Businesses rely on the solutions provided by Waratah and Waratah means something to everyone. Whether that is local knowledge, improved productivity, growth or knowing that it is Australian Made.

Well designed and built fences can help deliver growth and productivity improvements to every livestock and cropping operation, regardless of size. Whether that be strengthening the boundaries to exclude feral animals or redesigning internal fences and laneways, Waratah can help deliver better Returns On Investment (ROI).

Feral proof fencing has increased sheep numbers across central west Queensland shires by almost triple the state average in recent years and created a basis for further growth. Based on producer feedback, an evaluation by consultants Hall Chadwick has forecast sheep numbers in the region will increase by 727,000 and cattle by 57,000 by 2031, generating a regional gross margin increase of $28 million, an extra 140 agricultural jobs and a total regional economic benefit of $33.55 million.

Farm bio-security will always be top of mind for every livestock and cropping business across Australia. Fencing can be a useful tool in combating this issue as it can slow people down and ensure that every person, piece of equipment and animal that is entering your property has properly cleaned, checked and can guarantee will not spread disease and weeds.

When you choose the Waratah Fencing System – you’ll get fencing products that have been designed to work together. The upfront product costs may be higher, but the long term benefits from lower m a i n t e n a n c e , less failures and worrying less will far outweigh the initial investment.

Follow, like or subscribe to Waratah for customer videos, new product announcements and informative how-to articles – www.waratahfencing.com.au


Farm equipment, fencing, Livestock fence

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