May 23



Planting is well underway with great germination and establishment success. Perennial pasture plantings are replacing native and low carrying capacity pastures, left over from the drought. These new perennial pastures are increasing carrying capacity and quality of pasture available. Quality, long term perennial pastures are perfect for twin bearing ewes and result in the ability to develop new country, increasing overall carrying capacity of your property.

Oats and annual ryegrass are a common mix this year with weaner cattle and heavy lambs looking to graze these paddocks. Rotational Grazing of young stock on these paddocks will increase carrying capacity and help manage worm burdens, especially in Lambs. Newly sown pasture is perfect for low contamination feed due to not being grazed by stock for some months whilst establishing. Always use a fully effective drench before moving the lambs onto the newly sown pasture and graze down to 800 – 1000 kg DM/ ha residuals. Rotating paddocks for should show results within a month and will result in less larval intake of your lambs and contamination of that pasture for the next period of grazing while maximizing growth. For more information on grazing management to reduce worm burdens in lambs, please speak to Lachlan at Pursehouse Rural Uralla or the visit the Wormboss website.

With winter feed always an issue, ProGibb can be a helping hand. ProGibb SG contains a natural plant growth regulator formulated as a water-soluble granule formulation for use in pasture systems. It increases the natural level of gibberellins contained in plant tissue, growing feed faster and creating significant gains in dry matter yield in the middle of winter. Adequate soil moisture and nutrients need to be available to support the additional pasture growth (Note: ProGibb SG is not a fertiliser or a fertiliser substitute). ProGibb should be applied with a boomspray that gives adequate coverage of the pasture. A boomspray with flat fan nozzles used to apply herbicides is perfectly suited to ProGibb applications. Ideally, a water volume of 100 litre per hectare should be used with liquid fertiliser. We have liquid nitrogen fertiliser in stock at Pursehouse Rural Uralla as well as Pasture Plus liquid fertiliser, to meet your requirements.

Look at herbicide needs for winter weeds such as Nodding and Saffron Thistle. Agritone and AmicideAdvance are in tight supply so get in early. We have stocks of both Agritone and Amicide Advance, as well as Lontrel Advance and other herbicide options.

By Lachlan Jeffers
Branch Manager and Agronomist
Pursehouse Rural Uralla – 0428 659 740


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